Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Years Decorations Go Up In Smoke

In Japan seasonal decorations are not simply thrown in the garbage. They are disposed of respect at a ceremony called dondo-yaki. This usually takes place in the middle of January when it is time to take down all the New Years decorations.
I attended such a ceremony which took place near my house ( a place where the TenGooz have enjoyed many a barbecue) on a frosty and windy Sunday morning.
The first point of interest was that now there are restrictions on what type of gargage can or cannot be burned so all bundles grought for incineration on that day were checked, in a way reminiscent of airport security, for any plastics etc.
The decorations, consisting of sacred ropes, wreaths and last years daruma dolls were piled high in a teepee shape. This was done under the careful supervision of the fire department.

Then you could go to the reception desk and recieve a free omochi-rice cake and a very long slender bamboo pole.

It is believed that eating mochi roasted in the heat of the dondoyaki guarranties good health for whole year!

The firemen doused the pile with kerosene and set off the blaze. Fire is always fascinating and the crowd gathered round it were mezmerized by the flames, all holding their long rods with rice cakes at the tips like an army all primed to roast marshmellows.

When the fire burned down everyone stuck their mochi in, and I must say it was deelish!

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