Saturday, January 26, 2008

Getting ready for special event at Capio Hall

Four members of the TenGooz, Hase G, Michael Frei, A-Chan and myself(Avi) will be making the music at Capio Hall as part of Contemporary artist Elizabeth Robless'multi-media happening-Ballad In Wood.

The interesting thing is that we will mostly to musicating on sculptures which Elizabeth has created especially for the occassion. Much of what happens will be improvised, so we are looking forward to two very adventurous evenings.

I was first drawn into the singular world of Elizabeth Robless' artistic vision several months ago while on my way to the library, which happens to be located in the same building as The Tsukuba Art Museum.
Just as I was about to walk through the doors that lead to the books, I gave a glance to my right. What i saw stopped me in my tracks. I stood and gazed down the long, narrow corridor leading
to the exhibition hall where Elizabeth's works beckoned me to enter, which I did.

I cant recall now what I had wanted to study at the library on that day, but I will long remember what I came upon there in the art museums inner-sanctum.

For that show Elizabeth had turned the gallery into a magical forest, reflecting her powerful inner-light and visions. Darkly hued wooden planks, boards and posts of various sizes,which she had shaped and embellished upon, sometimes ringed by carefully placed pebbles, were arranged on the walls, floor and in the air,suspended from the ceiling.I could at once feel the time,energy and passion that went into the creation of these pieces.

I also found that her works inspired music in me, with many of them looking like newly invented, still-unnamed instruments, begging to have sounds coaxed out of them.It was difficult NOT to beat,tap, or scratch them.

Of course, I was not the only one to get excited. Dance artist Mako Karasawa visited the show on another day and simply could not control her urges. She began to dance among the pieces.
Elizabeth took the cue and started to improvise an acompaniment on various sculpture-instruments.Many of the visitors then present joined in. It was a magical and cathartic moment for everyone there.

It was also the inspiration for the upcomming events.

Feb. 8 and 22
Capio Hall

Hope to see you there.

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