Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tengooz Radio and TenGooz playlists online!

The Online music site Jamendo has a TenGooz radio which seems to change everyday, mixing up the song order and also mixing in other bands which have been deemed to be similar.

You can find TenGooz Radio here:

There are also plenty of online playlists which make listening to TenGooz easier than ever. Here is one playlist that you might like:


You might also want to read about life in Japan. The Tengooz` Avi Landau posts his articles at Tsukublog:

Keep grounded in GROOVE

Friday, February 05, 2010

Monday, February 01, 2010

Xenophonia online

The legendary, multi-national Tsukuba-based band Xenophonia
had a major impact on the live music scene in Japan back in the early 2000`s.

With guitarist Ascelin FLASH Gordon from Melbourne Australia,
Tom Debor (bass), Erik Stanford (trombone), Joe Kern (drums) and Avi Landau ( vocals) of the US,
Kawakami Ryutaro ( sax) and Sagara Kenya (trombone) of Japan
and Ashish (tabla) from India. They proved that ORIGINAL music could be popular in Japan`s club scene.

Now literally every Japanese band is following their lead.

You can here some of the bands recordings ( all done at Avi Landau`s house, known affectionately as the Ice Palace)
on jamendo:
