Monday, October 09, 2006

TenGooz in Australia, Avi`s country drive

Four Tengooz left Narita yesterday and are assumed to be in Melbourne. I spoke to the guys at the airport and it seems
that Tanaka and HaseG were having trouble getting through the metal detector and had to pass through it 4 or 5 times until they were finally cleared! I've been worried about them all day and there has still been no email from them. Well, no news is good news!
I will be leaving tomorrow night and decided to spend my last day(and a beautiful day it was!) taking a drive in the countryside. It was refreshing and invigorating indeed!
Japan is truly a land of many faces and within minutes off the main road. It was like entering a new world through a time slip. Huge traditional farmhouses,shrines,temples and roadside gods. I will post a couple of Pics so that the guys can get a glimpse of home. A nice view of Mt Tsukuba(should bring tears to their eyes!) and a roadside Jizo with straw sandal offerings.
See you soon TenGooz!

Avi Landau

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