Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lots of MUSIC

June 7th was a great day for the TenGooz!We celebrated Michael`s birthday with a big barbcue party and then went on to do a gig at Hot Stuff in Tsukuba.All in all it was an extremely festive day.
Thomas Mayers played his first real TenGooz gig with us and he certainly passed his trial by fire with flying colors, sometimes eliciting spontanious squeals and shouts from the female members
of the audience with his CRAZED guitar playing.

Wednesday was practice.We have alot of work to do return to the level we used to be at. We have to expand our set list (I know you all rememberur 50 song no intermission marathons of the past ) and work on our dynamics (changes of volume) .

Michael, Thomas and I recieved some inspiration on Thursday night. We had been planning on recording, and I had thought everything was set for Thursday.I guess Takumi (our engineer) heard my Thursday as SAZDAY, which is easilly confused by Japanese with SADADAY or Saturday, and when we arrived we found out that we had arrived two days too early.

Everyday has its little miracles, however, and what looked like a wasted evening turned out to be an eye-opening musical encounter as we decided to head for East Of Eden, one of our old haunts. Though it was a weekday there was a gig on that night-a dou from Kyushu who call themselves No Miss Guitars. Their mastery of their instruments, interesting compostions and lyrics and passionate love for what they do simply riveted us, as well as the rest of the small audience. They really showed us that we need to get to work, especially on our dynamics.
I hope that that eye-opening show has a big impact on the next TenGooz LIVE

See you then and there

Avi Landau

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