Monday, March 14, 2011

The Ice Palace- Cracked but Still Standing

With its majestic views of Mt Tsukuba, and its mountains of books and ethnic knick knacks,
my house in Tsukuba, the Ice Palace, is always an exciting place to visit.
It also reeks of TenGooz and Xenophonia history, as Ascelin Gordon, Tom Debor and I first jammed there
back before September 11th.
Tengooz/Xenophonia classics such as Running, Infatuation, Kanashibari, Ofuro, Autophobia were all conceived of there and in fact some were recorded right in it Japanese ( TATAMI) room.

Last weeks earthquake left the old place looking as if a bomb hit it, on the inside and out! Inside the books cds and other memorabilia were scatters over the floor, while outside there were long cracks and fissures.

Fortunately however, city officials decided that there was still no danger of the beloved abode collapsing yet, so rest assured- more inspiration lies ahead for future songs.

Here is one of my favorites out of those we recorded in the house.
It features Ascelin Gordon on guitar and Ashish on tabla.
Enjoy Ananda:

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