Sunday, February 17, 2008

TenGooz in the woods! @Capio Hall

Busy we are! Four Tengooz and guitarist Thomas Mayer have joined forces to create and perform the music to Ki no Ballad, or as I translate it- Ballad in Wood.
It has not been easy trying to blend narration, projected images, sculpture, dance and music, but the show went quite well and should be much better for our next performance on the 22nd.
We have gotten lots of positive comments on the music, and we hope that the extra two weeks will give us the time to pull everything together and create something really special.
Its a great thrill and satisfaction to have Jenny sing our songs. She is truly STAR material with her rivetting stage presence and almost uncontainable passion.
We will be recording tommorow night and hope to have CDs ready for next Friday nights show as there have been some inquiries about getting the music which we perform in the show.

In the picture sent to us by Dan, you can see the general merriment which we whipped up in the 3rd act of the show. Lots of kids,parents and seniors romping on the stage. What could be better!

Avi Landau

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