Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Friends come from afar and recording!

Confucius got it right when he taught that one of the great things in life are having good friends come from afar for a visit.
At the beginning of the month we had the pleasure of having Dr. Ascelin 'FLASH' Gordon staying with us, as he stopped by on Japan for a few days on the way to a conference in Mexico.It was an action packed couple of days, as we desperately tried to fit in as much as possible into the short time span.Though we couldnt do everything (go to ryutaros gig or play stickball among other things) we still managed alot! Most memorable and tenGooz related were our highly productive(and fun!) jam sessions.Hase G and Tanaka were there and Joe Kern came up from asakusa to drum. We recorded 6 new songs on md and we hope to get those ready for serious recording. We also enjoyed a pleasant walk around my house among the bamboo and pampas grass. We hope that ascelin will be back soon!
This past weekend was also very productive.We went into studio and recorded 'Clear Skies' with the help of engineer Go.you will be able to hear the results soon!

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