Our gig at Cork heads ran through to about 2am Sunday morning.Jon and I agreed that it was a'feel good show' with the audience seemingly enjoying themselves throughout and ourselves recieving only positive feedback(for a change!).Special thanks to our sound man Mickey for doing a great job again, against impossible odds,trying to blend the sound of five loud instruments in a small and acoustically challenged venue.The most daunting challenge is surely getting me to sound good up there!
After packing up(once again I failed to assist my comrades adequately) Jon and the other guys split. I had to get home ,too, since I still had a big day ahead of me. I had been invited to participate in a traditional Matsuri(festival)in tokyo. during the drive into the city I tried to doze but the over excitement of the evening left me too agitated to slumber. So I just closed my eyes and tried to rest.
We changed into our beautiful festival garb(I could even choose from dazzling array of traditional head wraps) and I couldnt help but think again of how traditional Japanese costume is so much more striking than the standard western wear preferred by most J
apanese today. Walking outside among the Hapi(festival coat) clad revellers,I wanted to take a picture of each individual, for each man woman and child looked, how should I put it...so cool. though I consider myself a very serious Nipponophile and have joined in occassionally on one of the many, many festivals I have visited over the years in Japan,this would be my first time to be part of the official Omikoshi(portable shrine) bearing group.And though I had witnessed and photographed such scenes countless times I was absolutely unprpared for the experience I was about to undergo.a reversion to the PRIMEVAL,a revival of Baccanalia., a dangerous, violent, and painful expression of the communities pent up energies.
To be continued........
Avi Landau
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