Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank you TenGooz!

Dear TenGooz!
after only two years as a Saxphone player with the TenGooz I have to leave Japan already!
What a great time - it was truely one of the lucky encounters of my life to come across the TenGooz right after arriving in Japan. 
Thanks to all former and current TenGooz members for their unique creative contributions to our great pool of original songs. And special thanks to Avi and Hase-G for keeping the TenGooz alive through the years - to the benefit of me and many music lovers around the globe. 
I am looking forward to hearing more from the TenGooz. Keep grounded in groove. 

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Lots of recording and a big beachside for The Tengooz before Michael Frei Leaves for Germany

Its been a hectic and heavy-hearted summer for the TenGooz as we
frantically try to get as much material recorded before saxophonist
Michael heads back to Europe. We have been going up to the NIJI NO ONGAKUDO studio,and have been piecing together
EIGHT completely new TenGooz tracks in various genres, but all with that distinctive TenGooz sound.
Tomorrow night- Saturday July 17th, we will be back at one of our favorite venues- NALUS TOYBOX - an atmosperic hangout for surfers,
beach-bums, and music lovers. Starting time will be 8:30 pm.
We hope to see you there- it should be an exciting show and there could be no more comfortable place to be than by the Pacific Ocean on a July night.
Hassan should be there to percuss and there should be a big all-night drumming session after we finish our sets.


Thursday, July 02, 2009


The TenGooz have never put any video footage online, but sometimes others have uploaded little clips or used our music to accompany a short film.

An interesting work which has just come to our attention was created by a video artist in Italy.
He used our song TOO MUCH INFORMATION.

Please check it out and send comments. You can see it at:

And remember- always stay grounded in GROOVE

Avi Landau